NH State Treasury - an official New Hampshire Government website
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Forms and Publications

Forms, publications, reports and other documents issued by the State Treasury.

Treasury Publications | Treasury Dashboard Reports | Comptroller's Office | LBA Audit Findings | College Savings (529) Plans | State of New Hampshire General Obligation Bonds | Turnpike System Revenue Bonds | State of New Hampshire GARVEE Bonds

back to topTreasury Publications

Treasury Annual Reports

Treasury Meals & Rooms Tax Distribution Reports

Treasury Municipal Aid Distribution Reports

Treasury Separate & Dedicated Funds Reports

Interest Rate on Judgements

back to topTreasury Dashboard


Dashboard Report Archives 2014-2023

back to topComptroller's Office

State of New Hampshire ACFR

State of NH Unrestricted Revenue Reports

LBA Audit Findingsback to top

State of NH Financial Audit Reports

Agency Responses

back to topCollege Savings (529) Plans

UNIQUE College Investing Plan

Fidelity Advisor 529 Plan

back to topState of New Hampshire General Obligation Bonds

Official Statements & Supplemental Disclosure

Debt Affordability Studies

RSA 6-C:2 Affordable Debt Limit Certification

back to topTurnpike System Revenue Bonds

Bond Resolution

Official Statements

Annual Reports

Debt Service Forward Supply Agreement (DSFSA)

Turnpike Arbitrage Rebate Reports



back to topState of New Hampshire GARVEE Bonds

Trust Documents

Official Statements

Annual Reports

GARVEE Arbitrage Rebate Reports



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New Hampshire State Treasury
25 Capitol Street, Room 121  |  Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2621  |  fax: (603) 271-3922
Abandoned Property:
(800) 791-0920 (in New Hampshire)  |  
(603) 271-2619