NH.gov - an official New Hampshire Government website
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Portable Document Format (PDF) Readers

Some content on the NH.gov website is provided in Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The PDF format is specified by Adobe and is published by Adobe and the International Organization for Standards (ISO).

Below are some free PDF readers for different operating systems. This list is not exhaustive and is provided for information and convenience only. The State of New Hampshire does not endorse or support these products.

  • Adobe Reader is available for multiple operating systems.
  • Foxit Reader is available for Microsoft Windows7 or later and Linux.
  • Sumatra PDF is available for Microsoft Windows.
  • Evince is available for Linux and Microsoft Windows.
  • Preview is part of Apple Mac OS X.
  • Xpdf is available for UNIX and Linux.

Wikipedia maintains a more extensive list of PDF software.

NH.gov - The Official Web Portal of the State of New Hampshire