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Bureau of Emergency Medical Services

The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (BEMS) is one of the three bureaus that make up the Division of Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Services. The ultimate goal of the Bureau of EMS is to improve patient safety and high quality out-of-hospital emergency care for everyone in New Hampshire.

The Bureau of EMS is responsible for the following:

  • managing the training, testing, and licensing of EMS providers, units, instructors, training agencies, and EMS vehicles, including wheelchair vans (Law: RSA 153-A) (Rules: Saf-C 5900),
  • supporting, promoting, and offering education and public information regarding the availability and use of the EMS and trauma services system,
  • providing for the training and testing (written/practical) of emergency medical care providers (RSA 153-A:11),
  • planning and providing resources for a cooperative effort between private and governmental agencies and emergency medical and adult/pediatric trauma services in the event of an emergency, including a response to a mass casualty incident,
  • facilitating the establishment and maintenance of a communications network that addresses citizen access to the emergency medical and trauma services system and communications between all of the agencies and facilities involved in the care or transportation of patients (EMS Units adobe acrobat reader symbol, healthcare facilities, EMS Regional Councils, local, county, and state agencies),
  • establishing a data collection and analysis capability that provides for the evaluation of the emergency medical and trauma services system (TEMSIS),
  • carrying out investigations, as provided under RSA 153-A:14, and
  • preparing budgets and grant requests for funds needed to maintain an effective emergency medical and trauma services system.

Questions? Please contact the appropriate EMS staff person (See "Contact Us"). General questions can be emailed to


WorkInvestNH - EMT Training Incentive Program

In order to help the New Hampshire EMS SystemRECRUITandRETAINadditional Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT), the State of New Hampshire has created a new program that will pay for EMT and Advanced EMT related training; will offset a portion of wages paid to new employees; and will pay employees an incentive to remain in a position requiring an EMT Licensure.This program is available for anyone that started trainingon or after November 22, 2022. Licensed EMS Units are able to utilize these incentives by participating in theWorkInvestNH-EMTprogram.

For more information click here (



Protocols Version 9.0


2024 State of New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols Version 9.0


Proposed State of New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols Version 9.1- Mid Cycle Roll- Out- Protocol 1.4 Modifications and Emergency Protocols

star of life
EMS Licensing Process


National Registry NCCP information
Course Catalog and Online Training Resources

NOTE: For information regarding Fire and EMS Training throughout the state, visit:
Course Catalog (Fire, EMS, Exams & Specialty Events including the EMS and Fire Continuing Education Courses, Conferences & Seminars page)
Online Training Resources (NHFA & EMS Resource Center, Online Learning Academy, Helpdesk)


EMS Warm Zone

EMS in the Warm Zone Active Shooter Best Practice GuideAdobe Acrobat Reader Symbol


More News from the Bureau of Emergency Medical ServicesNews and Events


The Division of Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Service is opening the sixty (60) day public comment period on the proposed State of New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols Version 9.1. Comments can be submitted to until 18 March 2025. Additionally, the Division will be holding two public hearings at the below location on the specified date and times.

  • Date and Times: Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 3:00pm and 5:00pm
  • Place: Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Services Classroom 4, 98 Smokey Bear Blvd Concord, NH 03305

Proposed State of New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols Version 9.1 - Mid-Cycle Roll-Out – Protocol 1.4 Modifications and Emergency Protocols


Ground Ambulance and Rate Setting Study

The purpose of the New Hampshire Ground Ambulance Cost Study established under SB407isto analyze and understand the costs associated with providing ground ambulance services across the state of New Hampshire.The study's findings will inform future legislation and policy decisions to ensure that ambulance services are adequately reimbursed and sustainably funded, ultimately benefiting both providers and patients. This mandatory initiative is critical for ensuring that all License EMS Units are adequatelysupportedand that the quality of emergency medical care across New Hampshire remains high. Additional information about this study is available on the New Hampshire Health Plan (NHHP) website.

Thank you for participation in this important initiative to ensure Licensed EMS Units are adequately funded.


The Division of Fire Standards and Training & Emergency Medical Services (FSTEMS) is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the 2024 State of New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols Version 9.0. On March 28th, 2024, Department of Safety Commissioner Robert Quinn approved these protocols for adoption effective statewide on June 1st, 2024.

Attention - Unit Leaders and Providers

Licensed EMS units and affiliated licensed EMS providers shall begin using the 2024 State of New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols Version 9.0 beginning on June 1st, 2024. Licensed EMS units and affiliated licensed EMS providers must continue to operate using the current Version 8.2 during this transition phase.

The protocol rollout was created to educate the provider of the changes between Version 8.2 and Version 9.0 of the New Hampshire Patient Care Protocols; and not act as the sole mechanism to teach providers on new skills, processes, and medications. Consult with your unit leader to determine the process you must undergo to familiarize yourself with the new protocols.

The new version of protocols can be found online on the Bureau of EMS’ website.

The protocol rollout can be found on the FSTEMS online learning academy.

  1. Sign in at
  2. Log in using your username and password.
    • If this is your first time accessing the online learning academy since October 2023, click 'Change Password' on the login screen and enter your RespondNH username to have a password reset link sent to the email associated with your RespondNH account.
  3. Go to Self-Enroll courses.
  4. Find your provider level.
    • EMR
    • EMT
    • Advanced EMT
    • Paramedic


Of Interest

ACS Trauma System Consultation Report-2016 Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol
NAEMT LogoCode of Ethics
NH Pediatric EMSNH EMS for Children
EMS Best Practices
EMS Bulletins
Mobile Integrated Healthcare Prerequisite Protocol Administration PackageAdobe Acrobat Reader Symbol
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Microsoft Word Symbol Microsoft Word format. Here is a list of apps that can open Word files.

New Hampshire Department of Safety | 33 Hazen Drive | Concord, NH 03305
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964
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