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Senate Bill 32 Reports

State of New Hampshire Financial Reports

Real Estate Transfer Tax
RSA Chapter 78-B

The Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) was first enacted in 1967. Chapter 17, Laws of 1999, increased the permanent tax rate assessed on the sale, granting, and transfer of real estate and any interest in real estate to $.75 per $100, or fractional part thereof, of the price or consideration. This rate is assessed on both the buyer and seller for a combined tax rate of $1.50 per $100. Where the price or consideration is $4,000 or less, there is a minimum tax of $20 assessed on both the buyer and seller. Chapter 158, Laws of 2001, removed the exception from the tax on transfer of real property for transfers of title pursuant to a merger, consolidation or other reorganization qualifying as a tax-free reorganization. It also removed the exception of the transfer of title from one business entity to another, the ownership interest of which may be the same. These changes were effective for transfers occurring on or after July 1, 2001. The tax is paid at the Registry of Deeds office in the county where the property is located. A Declaration of Consideration (Form CD-57) must be filed with the Department of Revenue Administration no later than 30 days from the recording of the deed at the Registry of Deeds or transfer of real estate, whichever is later.


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