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Radiological Preparedness

The Radiological Emergency Preparedness Section provides technical and organizational assistance in prevention of, preparing for, responding to, mitigating, and recovering from natural and human-made disasters and emergencies. The section has 19 staff members who serve 234 New Hampshire communities, in addition to federal, state, and county agencies and private partners.

The Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) team focuses on planning, training, and exercises to help communities and the state agencies prepare a response to a radiological event at NextEra Energy Seabrook Station nuclear power plant that could result in the release of offsite radiation doses in excess of protective action guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

The REP team is responsible for preparing the REP annex to the State Emergency Operations Plan (SEOP) and is the state agency responsible for implementing procedures for those plans. They assist community Emergency Management Directors (EMDs) in the preparation of local plans by providing templates that comply with standards identified in the REP Program Manual produced by FEMA, conducting training, and reviewing the completed documents. To aide in the funding of REP specific costs, the team members assemble assessment requests from stakeholders, and approve invoices for budgeted expenditures. 

The NH REP program includes training for Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) responders, maintenance of the Traffic Management Manual (TMM), management of the exercise cycle activities and communications, monitoring of out of sequence drills, processing of Persons with Disabilities and Access/Functional Needs (PDAFN) registrations, and maintenance of the REP Resources page. In January of each year, the team produces the Annual Letter of Certification, and sends briefing books to the EMDs. 

In addition, Special Facility liaisons meet with the owners/directors of childcare centers, administrators of nursing homes/rehabilitation centers, and principals of schools and directors of other special facilities within the Emergency Planning Zone to perform annual updates of their Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans. The process involves preparing those facilities for their Special Facility FEMA Out-of-Sequence (OOS) Interviews during a NextEra Energy Seabrook Station nuclear power plant Graded Exercise Cycle. 

A specialized section of the REP team is the Radiological Instrumentation, Maintenance, and Calibration (RIMC) shop. The staff of three tests, calibrates, and repairs the radiological screening equipment sent to the EPZ communities. There are approximately 12,808 pieces of equipment and 26,852 doses of Potassium Iodide (KI) in the field, and the equivalent amount is stored at the RIMC facility. The equipment and KI is rotated between the RICM shop and the EMDs to ensure the equipment is functioning and the KI is within expiration guidelines. 

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  New Hampshire Department of Safety | 33 Hazen Drive | Concord, NH 03305
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