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Rules > PART Pub 207


Pub 207.01 Records.
Pub 207.02 Filing Budget Submission Date, Agreements.

Pub 207.01 Records. All records of the board shall be kept for 10 years as required by RSA 273-A:16, II. All hearings before the board and hearing officers shall be electronically recorded. Copies of electronically recorded tapes of hearings conducted by the board, its agents or employees may be obtained upon written request made to the board. Payment shall be enclosed with the request in order to cover the actual cost of copying the tape and return postage. Parties shall contact the board in advance of their request in order to verify the amount of payment due. Althernatively, any person may listen to a tape recording of the hearing on the premises of the board.

Source. #7187, eff 1-8-00, EXPIRED: 1-8-08

New. #9145, INTERIM, eff 4-29-08, EXPIRED: 10-26-08
New. #9441-A, eff 3-27-09

Pub 207.02 Filing Budget Submission Date, Agreements.

(a) Every public employer subject to RSA 273-A shall file with the board not later than September 1st, annually, the budget submission date to be used by all parties dealing with the public employer under RSA 273-A as required by RSA 273-A:3, IV.

(b) Every collective bargaining agreement concluded between the exclusive representative of an employee organization and a public employer shall be reduced to writing and signed by the parties, and a copy of all such agreements shall be filed with the board within 14 days after they are executed as required by RSA 273-A:16. One party shall be chosen by the parties to be responsible for filing said agreement and that party shall be named on the signature page of the agreement.

(c) Within 14 days after a legislative body votes on a collective bargaining agreement or a fact finding report, the public employer shall report to the board the result of such vote, as required under RSA 273-A:16, V, by completing and filing Form R-1 “Public Employer Report,” dated 9-15-16.

Source. #7187, eff 1-8-00, EXPIRED: 1-8-08

New. #9145, INTERIM, eff 4-29-08, EXPIRED: 10-26-08
New. #9441-B, eff 3-27-09 (formerly Pub 207.03); ss by #12378-B, eff 9-13-17

New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board
2½ Beacon Street, Suite 200 | Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603) 271-2587 | E-mail: pelrb@nh.gov
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