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Collective Bargaining Agreements > Collective Bargaining Agreements S-Z

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Last Updated 12/19/2024


City/Town/County/School District/University Union/Association Contract Duration
Salem Administrative & Technical Employees SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2022-27
Salem Association of Food Service NEA-NH 2023-26

Salem Education Association

NEA-NH 2022-25
Salem Educational Personnel Association NEA 2024-27
Salem Educational Support Personnel Association NEA-NH 2024-27
Salem Firefighters IAFF 2018-23
Salem Police non-affiliated 2022-27
Salem Public Administrators Association non-affiliated 2022-26

Salem School Custodians Employees Association

NEA 2022-25
Salem Public Works AFSCME 2023-28
Sanborn Education Association NEA-NH 2021-24
Sanborn Education Support Staff NEA-NH 2022-25
Sanborn School Principals Teamsters 2021-25
Sandown Police Teamsters 2024-27

Seabrook Firefighters

IAFF 2020-23
Seabrook Police Teamsters 2021-24
Seabrook Town Employees Teamsters 2021-24

Seabrook Town Supervisors

Affiliated - IUPE, Inc. 2019-22
Seacoast Education Association - SAU 21 NEA-NH 2019-23
Seacoast Education Association - SAU 90 NEA-NH 2016-20
Seacoast Educational Support Personnel - SAU 90 NEA-NH 2019-22
Seacoast Educational Support Personnel - SAU 21 NEA-NH 2020-24
Shaker Regional Education Association NEA-NH 2023-27
Somersworth Association of Educators NEA-NH 2023-26
Somersworth City Wastewater non-affiliated 2023-26

Somersworth Educational Support Personnel Association

NEA-NH 2022-25
Somersworth Firefighters IAFF 2023-26
Somersworth Police Employees NEPBA 2023-26
Somersworth Public Administrators Association non-affiliated 2023-26
Somersworth Public Works AFSCME 2023-26
Somersworth School Clerical/Aide NEA-NH 2024-27
State - NEPBA, Local 40 (Conservation Officers) NEPBA 2023-25
State - NEPBA, Local 45 (Conservation Supervisors) NEPBA 2023-25
State - NEPBA, Local 219 (Law Enforcement Supervisors) NEPBA 2023-25
State - NEPBA, Local 260 (Liquor Investigators) NEPBA 2023-25
State - NEPBA Local 265, (Probation Parole Ofcrs., I and II) Unaffiliated 2023-25
State - NEPBA, Local 270 ( Probation Parole Officers III) Unaffiliated 2023-25
State - NHTA, (Command Staff) NHTA 2023-25
State - NHTA, (NH Troopers) NHTA 2023-25
State -SEA SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25

State-SEA Sub-Unit Agreement
(Dept. of Corrections- Line Staff, Glencliff Home, Health & Human Services, NH Liquor Retail, NH Hospital, NH Veterans Home)

SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25

State - SEA Sub-Unit Agreement
(Dept. of Education)

SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25
State-SEA Sub-Unit Agreement
(Employment Security, Fish & Game, Information Technologies, OPLC)
SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25

State - SEA Sub-Unit Agreement
(Dept. of Safety)

SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25
State - SEA Sub-Unit Agreement
(Juvenile Justice System)

SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25
State - SEA (Court Assistants) SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2024-2027
State - SEA, Corrections Supervisors SEA/SEIU Loal 1984 2023-25
State - SEA, Department of Transportation SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2023-25
State - SEA, Retirement System SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2022-25
State - Teamsters, Corrections Teamsters 2023-25
State - Teamsters (Court Security Officers) Teamsters 2023-27
State - Teamsters Internal Affairs Association of New Hampshire (IAANH) Teamsters 2023-25

Strafford Education Association

NEA-NH 2023-26
Strafford County Corrections SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2024
Strafford County Riverside Rest Home SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2024
Strafford County Sheriffs NEPBA 2024
Strafford County Sheriffs Supervisor SEA/SEIU Local 1984 2024
Stratford Teachers Association NEA-NH 2024-27
Stratham Paraprofessional Association NEA-NH 2019-23
Stratham Teachers Association NEA-NH 2022-26
Sugar River Education Association NEA-NH 2020-23
Sullivan County Dept. of Corrections NCEU 2020-23

Sullivan County Nursing Home Charge Nurses

AFSCME 2024-26
Sullivan County Nursing Home Employees AFSCME 2023-25
Sunapee Teachers NEA-NH 2022-25
Tamworth Education Association NEA-NH 2023-26
Tamworth Education Support Personnel NEA-NH 2022-25
Thornton Education Association NEA-NH 2024-27
Thornton School Support Staff NEA-NH 2023-26
Tilton Police Officers NEPBA 2024-27
Timberlane School Adiministrators Unit Teamsters 2023-26
Timberlane School Administrative Assistants Teamsters 2023-26
Timberlane School Cafeteria Workers Teamsters 2022-25
Timberlane School Custodians Teamsters 2022-25
Timberlane School Support Staff AFT-NH 2023-26
Timberlane Teachers Association AFT-NH 2024-27
Unity Education Association NEA-NH 2021-24
UNH - Law Faculty NEA-NH 2020-26
UNH - Lecturers AAUP 2022-27
UNH - Police Teamsters 2022-27
UNH - Professors AAUP 2020-25
Wakefield Education Association NEA-NH 2021-25
Wakefield Paraprofessional Union NEA-NH 2024-27
Waterville Valley Education Association NEA-NH 2022-25
Weare Education Association NEA-NH 2024-26

Weare Education Support Staff

AFT 2023-25
Weare Police Employees NEPBA 2024-27
Wentworth Education Association NEA-NH 2022-25
Westmoreland Teachers NEA-NH 2024-28
White Mountain Education Association NEA-NH 2024-27

White Mountain Education Support Personnel

NEA-NH 2022-25
Wilton Education Association NEA-NH 2007-10
Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative Support Staff NEA-NH 2023-26
Wilton-Lyndeborough Teachers NEA-NH 2024-27
Winchester School Support Staff NEA-NH 2024-27
Winchester Teachers Association NEA-NH 2023-25
Windham Education Association NEA-NH 2024-27
Windham Firefighters IAFF 2023-26
Windham Police NEPBA 2023-27
Windham School Assistants (Instructional Assistants) AFSCME 2023-26

Windham Support Staff (Town)

AFSCME 2023-25
Winnisquam School Custodians AFSCME 2023-26
Winnisquam School Paraprofessional Employees AFSCME 2024-27
Winnisquam Teachers Association NEA-NH 2022-25
Wolfeboro Police Employees NEPBA 2023-24
Wolfeboro Town Employees AFSCME 2023-24

Yankee Greyhound Race Track (Maintenance)

Teamsters 2006-13
Yankee Greyhound Race Track (Officials) Teamsters 2006-08

Yankee Greyhound Race Track (Security)

Teamsters 2022-25
New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board
2½ Beacon Street, Suite 200 | Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603) 271-2587 | E-mail: pelrb@nh.gov
The materials presented on this website are provided for informational purposes only. No information, data or statements should be considered as personal or specific legal counsel to any visitor to this site. If you have a specific question requiring a legal opinion you should contact your own union representative or your own attorney.