New Hampshire Liquor Commission Division of Enforcement Logo
New Hampshire Liquor Commission Division of Enforcement - an official New Hampshire Government website
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Official website of the NH Liquor Commission,
Division of Enforcement & Licensing

NH Liquor enforcement Officers
Mark Armaganian, Chief

Message from the Chief

I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to the New Hampshire Liquor Commission, Division of Enforcement and Licensing website.

As a parent, I have a deep conviction for keeping the children of our great state safe especially in their formative years. At the Division of Enforcement and Licensing we feel that a solid foundation of education will not only help us work towards eliminating underage drinking, but also keep our roadways safe and minimize impaired driving. Reducing and eliminating incidents of underage drinking and impaired driving starts with a great education component and fortifying the need to make good choices. I look forward to working in constructive and creative ways to continue the NHLC Division of Enforcement and Licensing's efforts to eliminate underage drinking and to minimize these negative instances.

As always, along with enforcing state liquor laws, the NHLC Division of Enforcement and Licensing is dedicated to educating the public, consumers, students and liquor license holders about the state's liquor laws and statutes, along with the legal, financial, social and health risks of abusing alcohol. The NHLC Division of Enforcement and Licensing hosts a monthly schedule of alcohol awareness events and trainings aimed at generating awareness for employees, restaurant owners, managers, and the public. Please visit these portions of our website to learn more about the different disciplines which are incorporated within our Division. Please partner with us to help the very dedicated members of the Division of Enforcement and Licensing to keep our communities, roadways, and most of all, our families safe.

Chief Mark C. Armaganian
Division of Enforcement and Licensing

News and Events
Underage Buyer recruitment for Alcohol & Tobacco Compliance Checks.

Advertising restrictions on packaging and labeling.

An educational and compliance initiative for on-premise licensees.
Guidance for submitting timely requests or notices.
Federal Drug Administration regulates substance.
Reporting delinquent or paid licensee accounts.

National Liquor Law Enforcement Association LogoNHLC Division of Enforcement & Licensing is a proud agency member of the National Liquor Law Enforcement Association – NLLEA


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NH Liquor Commission, Division of Enforcement
50 Storrs Street  |  Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3521