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Famous New Hampshirites, New Hampshire Almanac

The following creative, inspiring, and heroic individuals claim(ed) New Hampshire as home.

Artists, Writers, and Musicians

Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907)
Author and editor of the Atlantic Monthly.
Amy Beach (1867-1944)
Composer and pianist. The most prominent American woman composer of her time.
Jeremy Belknap (1744-1798)
Minister and historian. Author of the first U.S. biographical dictionary.
Daniel Brown (1964- )
Author and song writer.
Benjamin Champney (1817-1907
Artist and one of the founders of the Boston Art Club.
Charles Dana (1819-1897)
Journalist and editor.
Daniel Chester French (1850-1931)
Sculptor whose famous pieces include "Minute Man" in Concord, MA and "Lincoln" in Washington DC.
Robert Frost (b. California 1874-1963)
Poet who wrote on rural New England; winner of four Pulitzer Prizes.
Horace Greeley (1811-1872)
Journalist, publisher and found of the New York Tribune
Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879)
Author and journalist who wrote "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
Donald Hall (1928-2018)
Contemporary American poet. New Hampshire Poet Laureate.
Ray LaMontagne (1973-)
Grammy Award-winning musician
Grace Metalious (1924-1964)
Author of "Peyton Place"
Edward McDowell (1860-1908)
Composer, pianist and teacher. The best-known American composer before the 20th century.
Jodi Picoult (1967- )
NY Times bestselling author
Augustus Saint Gaudens (b. Ireland 1848-1907)
Sculptor of the late 19th century.
J.D. Salinger (b. New York 1919-2010)
Recluse author of Catcher in the Rye.
Ernest Thompson (1949-)
Academy award winner for screenplay, On Golden Pond

Explorers and Astronauts

S. Christa McAuliffe (b. Massachusetts 1948-1986)
First teacher in space who died in the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger.
Alan B. Shepard Jr. (1923-1998)
First American to travel in space, 1961.

Politicians, Judges and Patriots

Sherman Adams (1899-1986)
Governor of New Hampshire; White House Chief of Staff.
Josiah Bartlett (b. Massachusetts 1729-1795)
Revolutionary war patriot; first to sign the Declaration of Independence after the President; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; first Governor of New Hampshire.
Henry Styles Bridges (b. Maine 1898-1981)
Governor of New Hampshire; President Pro Tempore of the US Senate.
Salmon Portland Chase (1808-1873)
Supreme Court Justice; co-founded the Republican Party.
Isaac Hill (1789-1851)
Journalist; US Senator; member of Andrew Jackson’s "Kitchen Cabinet".
John Langdon (1741-1819)
Patriot and politician; first President Pro Tempore of the US Senate; Governor of New Hampshire.
Franklin Pierce (1804-1869)
14th President of the United States.
David Souter (1939- )
New Hampshire Supreme court Justice; US Supreme Court Justice.
John Stark (1728-1822)
Revolutionary War general; author of NH motto "Live Free or Die".
Harlan Fiske Stone (1872-1946)
Attorney General of the United States; Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
John Sullivan (1740-1795)
Revolutionary War general; Statesman; President of New Hampshire 1786-1789.
John Sununu (1939- )
Governor of New Hampshire; White House Chief of Staff.
Matthew Thornton (c.1714-1803)
Revolutionary War patriot; Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Daniel Webster (1782-1852)
Orator and statesman; Secretary of State.
Meschech Weare (1713-1786)
Revolutionary War patriot; President of New Hampshire.
Benning Wentworth (1696-1770)
Royal Governor.
Henry Wilson (born Jeremiah Jones Colbath 1812-1875)
Vice President of the United States under President Grant.
John Gilbert Winant (1889-1947)
Four term Governor of New Hampshire; ambassador to Great Britain.
Levi Woodbury (1789-1851)
Governor of New Hampshire; US Senator; US Supreme Court Justice.

Religious Leaders

Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910)
Founder of the Christian Science Religion.

The New Hampshire Almanac is compiled by the New Hampshire State Library from state statutes and other sources as noted.

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